
Tools, Resources & Experiences

I share my writing, my thoughts and how I'm creating a business that supports the life I desire.  Share what's happening in my life, what tools I'm using, and things I"m thinking about.  There's a wide variety of content here because I'm more than just a tech coach, I'm someone who is experiment constantly with what's work and discovering what's not, all while sharing it here.

The Passive Income Fallacy


I've been listening to a Private Audio Party hosted by Zach Spuckler of Heart, Soul & Hustle this past week.

This is what hit home for me today:

Passive income comes from active work

It was a solid reminder, and it reaffirmed that what I’ve been working on for the last five years as I’ve made the shift from active client work to more of a productized service and now adding digital courses and training to the mix is what will help me build the freedom I desire to live the life I desire.

Don’t overlook this, though. It’s taken me five years to get to this point where I know that Hubbie and I start our #Freedom24 journey and continue living the life we define.

Passive income, as it’s promoted among the group of online marketers I like to categorize as “bro marketers,” will have you believing that you can live a glamourous life filled with amazing cars, houses, and apartments (though they are often only rented for the day of the video), just by investing in some program that where they will give away all their secrets.


I believe in building a business that supports my values, my goals, and my dreams and supports me financially.

You build a sustainable freedom-based business by creating products and services and promoting other people’s programs and services.

As serendipity would have it, Angela Wills wrote a blog post about the 6 Figure Business Myth that I think you might enjoy and shares similar thoughts.

Before I wrap up, here are a few ways you can support me if you need help with the technical side of your business:

Purchase a Geek for an Hour– when you purchase an hour of my time, we can hop on a call to walk through an issue, I can review your site or fix a technical issue that’s currently happening.  This hour can be used in a way that works for you.

Buy a Protection Plan – if you’re ready to stop thinking about website maintenance and updates, purchasing a monthly or annual Protection Plan is what you need.  I’ll handle the ongoing website maintenance and security and troubleshoot any conflicts when updating.  I’ll even take care of your small tasks – as long as it takes me less than 15 minutes, I’ve got you covered.

Thank you for being here. I appreciate you, and reach out any time if you have questions or want feedback on what you’ve got going on.

Never stop being curious,

Renee Shupe
Chief Geek at GetaGeekinYourPocket.com


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